How Should People Use Punch'd?
How Should People Use Punchâd Energy?
If I was an athlete, how I would use Punchâd. It depends on what I'm doing for the day. If it's my recovery day, I probably won't use it at all. But if it's my performance day or high training day, I would definitely use it before I start training so that I have the energy and the power boost. And then if I'm competing, I will definitely use it before my competition. Depending on the type of athlete I am or depending on the type of training that I'm doing. If it's a higher volume, then I will take a little bit at the start, maybe I need a little bit more to keep me going, I'll take a little bit more in the middle, and I'll use it that way.
Certainly if Iâm flying, most professional athletes fly. I would use it when I land, to get over jet lag, for instance. I will use it if I get there during the day, I would use a little bit of gummies. Again, play with it, see how much caffeine you need to give you the mental clarity and the focus. When you feel the afternoon dip, you want to take a little bit more just to get you over that afternoon dip so that you fall asleep at night. Oftentimes it takes one or two days, so the next morning, you may wake up super early, but your body's still not used to it. Then by the time nine 9-10 o'clock in the morning comes at a local time you're feeling a dip. I would use the gummies there, again, to help me get over the dip and get through the day and nighttime. So I can fall asleep and help your body adjust with jetlag. So, as an athlete that's how I could do it.
Then you come to nutrition and hydration. If you are dehydrated, if you are 1% to 2% dehydrated, which in reality you won't even know you are 1% to 2% dehydrated. That is like a 10% drop in performance, athletic performance, whether it's physical or mental. So staying hydrated is super important.
When it comes to nutrition, you want to keep things that don't spike your blood sugar, because when your blood sugar spikes, and you release insulin, it comes right down. When it comes down, you will dip your energy levels. So you want to keep things that keep your blood sugar under control. And it's very, very important not to over eat.
When you eat a ton, even if it's not high in sugar, the calories itself will cause you to release insulin which will cause you to drop your blood sugar. It's a paradox.
Then finally we come to, can we take anything extra? So this is where things like one of the oldest substances used is caffeine. Using Punchâd Gummy for instance. It has (Natural) caffeine, people use coffee to get caffeine, people use tea to get caffeine. There are certain herbs that have a little bit of caffeine effect on the body.
Punchâd is a gummy that has (Natural) caffeine in it. Using Punchâd to avoid a dip, or to predict like you know, I'm going to have a very, very important period here when I need to focus, and have plenty of energy, be totally engaged. Then taking a supplement, right before then, when you've done all the other things, is how Punchâs comes into place. How I use caffeine.
Then there are the things, there are certain mushroom extracts that provide you with energy. Some people use vitamin B12, even something like nuts that are rich in B12, can give you a bit of a âpick me upâ.
So that's how I use all of those things. Really important breathwork, hydrate, keep your blood sugar under control and then supplement accordingly.

If I was an athlete, how I would use Punchâd. It depends on what I'm doing for the day. If it's my recovery day, I probably won't use it at all. But if it's my performance day or high training day, I would definitely use it before I start training so that I have the energy and the power boost. And then if I'm competing, I will definitely use it before my competition. Depending on the type of athlete I am or depending on the type of training that I'm doing. If it's a higher volume, then I will take a little bit at the start, maybe I need a little bit more to keep me going, I'll take a little bit more in the middle, and I'll use it that way.
Certainly if Iâm flying, most professional athletes fly. I would use it when I land, to get over jet lag, for instance. I will use it if I get there during the day, I would use a little bit of gummies. Again, play with it, see how much caffeine you need to give you the mental clarity and the focus. When you feel the afternoon dip, you want to take a little bit more just to get you over that afternoon dip so that you fall asleep at night. Oftentimes it takes one or two days, so the next morning, you may wake up super early, but your body's still not used to it. Then by the time nine 9-10 o'clock in the morning comes at a local time you're feeling a dip. I would use the gummies there, again, to help me get over the dip and get through the day and nighttime. So I can fall asleep and help your body adjust with jetlag. So, as an athlete that's how I could do it.
Then you come to nutrition and hydration. If you are dehydrated, if you are 1% to 2% dehydrated, which in reality you won't even know you are 1% to 2% dehydrated. That is like a 10% drop in performance, athletic performance, whether it's physical or mental. So staying hydrated is super important.
When it comes to nutrition, you want to keep things that don't spike your blood sugar, because when your blood sugar spikes, and you release insulin, it comes right down. When it comes down, you will dip your energy levels. So you want to keep things that keep your blood sugar under control. And it's very, very important not to over eat.
When you eat a ton, even if it's not high in sugar, the calories itself will cause you to release insulin which will cause you to drop your blood sugar. It's a paradox.
Then finally we come to, can we take anything extra? So this is where things like one of the oldest substances used is caffeine. Using Punchâd Gummy for instance. It has (Natural) caffeine, people use coffee to get caffeine, people use tea to get caffeine. There are certain herbs that have a little bit of caffeine effect on the body.
Punchâd is a gummy that has (Natural) caffeine in it. Using Punchâd to avoid a dip, or to predict like you know, I'm going to have a very, very important period here when I need to focus, and have plenty of energy, be totally engaged. Then taking a supplement, right before then, when you've done all the other things, is how Punchâs comes into place. How I use caffeine.
Then there are the things, there are certain mushroom extracts that provide you with energy. Some people use vitamin B12, even something like nuts that are rich in B12, can give you a bit of a âpick me upâ.
So that's how I use all of those things. Really important breathwork, hydrate, keep your blood sugar under control and then supplement accordingly.
