Extend Your Life with Keto
Has the fountain of youth been sitting on your dinner plate? (the answer is yes) Two new scientific studies independently concluded that a ketogenic diet increased lifespan and preserved memory and motor function. First reported on HealthLine.com by...
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How to Recover from a Long-Ass Flight
Punchâd Gummies have been proven to squash every travel related personal problem almost immediately, from big things like jet lag all the way down to a simple smile on your face. Flight Attendants, Ground Crew and Pilots LOVE...
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Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
With The âMotherâ Organic â Raw â Unfiltered â Apple â Cider â Vinegar. This stuff does not need refrigeration, and you donât have to worry about someone drinking it all before you do. Itâs nasty. But itâs...
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Evolution of the Personal Energy Market
The evolution of the personal energy market. It all started with water and fish food and now weâre putting things into cans with weird and dangerous ingredients, but I digress. Punchâd Energy is the reigning authority on Clean-Natural-Energy...
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Hey Cupcake!
A cupcake is just a muffin having a good day. Are you having a good day? Is it a cupcake kind of day?You have two choices: Have a muffin or have a cupcake. You could also have the...
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I Leptin, Do You?
Leptin is one of the keys to getting and staying shredded for your vacation pictures on Instagram. Leptin is a hormone that helps regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger. Leptin was derived from leptos meaning thin in Greek....
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Sugar Tax
UPDATE from the future.. it's 2023! Big Sugar squashed this sugar tax. We don't hear about it anymore in the "news" cycle. It turned into a small, local soda tax to placate a few people. No state currently...
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